Do you think that your business is ready for Poland? Check if Poland is ready for you.
For business thinking or preparing to enter Polish market, or for companies that already operate here, we offer our RATE4 assessment process. It is our own, semi-automated approach to establish your chances for success in this very competitive and fast moving market. It will help you take the right decisions and develop your strategy for expanding your offering to Polish businesses or consumers.
Our process includes a variety of analytical criteria both, quantitative and qualitative, and you can choose what best suits your needs. We offer detailed situation analysis in four main areas below.
All of these areas create a context to your enterprise strategy and, therefore, should not be treated in isolation.
Our methods of gathering information vary and may include, for example: statistical and narrative feedback surveys, interviews, legislative review, industry expert feedback, desk research, secret shopper, product sampling, etc.
The source report RATE4 is generated in Polish, and prepared for you in English. If you wish, we can prepare a shorter summary in the form of a presentation that you can share with your colleagues.
Trends / Competition / Demand etc.
Profile clusters / Geodemographics / Environment and Influencers / Decision making
Competitiveness / Uniqueness / Experience Feedback / Barriers
Organisational structure / Skillset / Logistics / Presentation / Business culture
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